May 2021

Publishing Journey

Creating an Author Bio

Today, I had to create an author bio. It’s hard to express your love of everything fantasy and your hopes and dreams of giving just a minute fraction of that back out to the world. On top of that, you have to try to convince the world they can trust that you haven’t written garbage, all in around 600 words.

Publishing Journey

A Three-Year Journey Ends

I’m done with the writing! Big huge shoutout to my lovely wife Ann. She has tirelessly edited the final draft. We’re just waiting on feedback from a few test readers and then submitting the manuscript. Man, does it feel good to reach this point – only 3 years in the making!

Publishing Journey

Sharing With my Kids

My wife just finished reading my book to our boys, the first ones to hear the entire story. Excited for the rest of the world to experience it. I would love to give you their favorite parts, but don’t want to spoil anything.

Publishing Journey

Creating Cover Art

Received an email from the publisher this morning. I had given her a detailed description of Fearn (the protagonist of my story). That info is being sent to the illustrator, who will now create an image of him. We will work back and forth until it gets to where I want it. That will then be used to help create

Publishing Journey

A New Endeavor: Publishing Crop Burner

Hopefully, the first post of many to come. I am the worst at blogging or keeping a diary, so we will see how long I can keep this up. My first book is getting published and at this point looks like it will be available this August. Going to be writing on Facebook and my website about my publishing journey.